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Book a private lesson or a course here:


Private lessons, 1 - 4 persons, snowboarding or skis. Note that Ski and Snowboarding lessons are separate. 

Welcome to ski school private lesson to learn the secrets of alpine skiing or snowboarding! Private lessons are the most effective way to improve your skills. Private lessons are suitable for not just first-timers but also to more advanced shredders who want to advance their skillset. 


Whether you want to learn the basics or carve your way through the slopes, our professional instructors tailor the lessons to suit the customers age and needs.


The price includes the access to the ski lifts for the lesson.


Please familiarize yourself with ski school terms and conditions before booking: and the ski school rules .


Ski school is suitable for both children and adults. We do not have age restrictions, but due to the nature of snowboarding, we recommend that the youngest future snowboard stars are at least circa 6 years old when attending ski school. Recommended age for alpine skiing lesson is ca. 4 years.


Durations and pricing:

1 person / 2 persons / 3 persons / 4 persons

50min = 45 € / 70 € / 95 € /  110 €

100min = 70 € /95 € / 120 € / 135 €


Tampereen Slalomseura ski schools courses are arranged at Mustavuori ski resort. There are different levels of courses. Short descriptions below. Schedules for courses will be published here.


Please take care reading the description before booking​.


More information:

email: hiihtokoulu(a)

puh/whatsapp: 045-208 2110


Course descriptions:


1. Entry level course for beginners (3 days):


Beginners course (alpine skiing or snowboarding) aims to teach you the basics of skiing (slope rules, braking, turning, using the rope lift) in a good company! You can attend the course without prior experience.


The course is started in the children's slope, but at the end we aim to try the bigger slopes within the skills of the attendees.


We recommend the attendants to be at least 4 years old for the beginners skiing course. For snowboarding beginners course, we recommend the attendants to be at least 6 years old. 


2. Advanced course (3 days).


You can attend the advanced skiing or snowboard course when you control the basics of skiing or snowboarding (independent use of the rope lift, braking, turning and slope rules). 


The aim of the course is to learn a better technique and add confidence to your skiing, in the bigger slopes. 

Kurssilla tutustutaan aikuisten rinteisiin ja ankkurihissin omatoimiseen käyttöön. You will be introduced to the bigger slopes and the T-bar lift, and after the course the student can enjoy the whole selection of slopes at our ski resort.


3. Freestylen alkeistason kurssi

Freestylen perustason kurssilla opetellaan ohjatusti parkissa laskemisen ja temppuilun alkeita, kuten takaperinlaskun alkeet, suksien hallinta, hypyt, pressit ja kikkailut.

Ennen kurssille tuloa laskijan tulee osata laskea hallitusti etuperin Mustavuoren kaikissa rinteissä. Laskijan tulee osata kääntyä yhdensuuntaisin suksin ja hallita vauhtiaan jyrkässäkin rinteessä. Suositeltava ikä kurssille on vähintään 7 vuotta.


Kurssille tarvitset seuraavat välineet: Kypärä (pakollinen), selkäpanssari (suositeltava), twintip-sukset (suositeltava), reipasta ja iloista mieltä (pakollinen!!!)

4. Freestylen perustason kurssi

Freestylen perustason kurssilla opetellaan ohjatusti parkissa laskemisen perusteita ja temppuja (esim. sujuva takaperinlasku, painopisteen hallinta, spinnit, erilaiset hypyt ja niiden suuntaaminen kummuista ja bokseista, pressien laskeminen). Lisäksi harjoitellaan parkissa improvisointia ja omien freestylelaskujen suunnittelua. Laskijan peruslaskutaitojen tulee olla hyvällä tasolla rinteen haastavuudesta johtuen.  


Ennen kurssille tuloa laskijan tulee osata hallita vauhtia jyrkässäkin rinteessä laskiessa etuperin, ja takaperin tulee kyetä laskemaan hallitusti esimerkiksi Mustavuoren Original-rinteessä. Laskijan tulee osata kääntyä yhdensuuntaisin suksin ja hallita myös leikkaavan käännöksen alkeita.


Kurssille tarvitset seuraavat välineet: Kypärä (pakollinen), selkäpanssari (suositeltava), twintip-sukset (pakollinen), suksien siteet keskellä suksea (suositeltava), reipasta ja iloista mieltä (pakollinen!!!)



School group lessons are a perfect possibility to enjoy the physical education days of your school by learning the basics of alpine skiing!

Ask more!


Company group lessons suit about 10 person groups and are a perfect way for example to spend a well being at work -day. We can for example arrange a playful skiing competition for your company! 

Ask more!


hiihtokoulu (a)

045-208 2110

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